Roll Call: =========== Betelgeuse: here Calchan: absent dertobi123: here leio: here lu_zero: here solar: here tanderson(secretary): absent, but logged it ulm: here Update on LiveCD/DVD for Gentoo 10.0. ==================================== Ned Ludd(solar) commmented that things were progressing fine. A new snapshot will be taken on September 20th and the cutoff date will be the 4th of October. A Way to Modify the PMS such that it doesn't directly involve the EAPI Process. =============================================================================== Joshua Jackson(tsunam) requested a decision on a process to modify PMS without involving the EAPI Process. There was discussion about whether PMS is a documenting simply documenting the ebuild API or if it is a broader document covering the entire tree. Agenda Item[1] 3.1 was deferred until the next meeting to be discussed on mailing lists beforehand. Discussion of the Need for a PMS/EAPI committee outside of the council. ======================================================================= Of the three proposals(An external committee consisting of package manager representatives, a council member or two, and perhaps members of the PMS project; Using the existing PMS project; Something completely different), the council chose to do something complete different and what will be done will be discussed on list or next meeting. [1]: