Summary of the council meeting 11/June/2017 Agenda call: [1] Agenda announcement: - none - Roll call ------------------------------------------------------ Present: blueness, dilfridge, k_f, ulm Absent: jlec, rich0, williamh Open bugs with council involvement ------------------------------------------------------ Bug 618930 (Council confirmation for May 2017 QA lead election, [2]): Sergey Popov (pinkbyte) was confirmed as QA lead with 5 yes votes and 2 abstentions. Bug 618254: (Non-public discussion.) Open floor ------------------------------------------------------ * David Seifert (soap) brought up the topic of the stabilization workflow and the new package list field in bugzilla. Specifically he asked for votes on two topics, - that the package maintainer is responsible for initiating stabilization, i.e., if stabilization is requested by someone else the maintainer has to confirm - that only the package maintainer is allowed to modify the package list field As a result also a discussion on specifying the package list format ensued. No vote was taken; the topic was deferred to the lists for decision at the next meeting. [1] [2]