Summary of Gentoo council meeting 19 July 2020 Agenda ====== 1. Roll call 2. Constitute the new council - Decide on time of meetings. The previous council had its meetings on the 2nd Sunday of every month at 19:00 UTC - Vote for continuing last council's workflow considering sending call for agenda items (2 weeks in advance), sending the agenda (1 week in advance) and have the meeting focussed, i.e., have major discussions on -project ML prior to the meeting - Appoint chairmen for this term's meetings 2. Asynchronous Council proposal [1] 3. Handling uncontroversial proposals between meetings 4. Open bugs with council involvement 5. Open floor Roll call ========= Present: dilfridge, gyakovlev, mattst88, slyfox, ulm, whissi, williamh Constitute the new council ========================== - The council will hold its meetings on the 2nd Sunday of every month at 19:00 UTC. - There is consensus on continuing last council's workflow. - Meeting chairs: Jul/Aug: mattst88 Sep/Oct: ulm Nov/Dec: gyakovlev Jan/Feb: slyfox Mar/Apr: dilfridge May/Jun: williamh Asynchronous Council proposal ============================= Some discussion of the proposal before deciding to vote on a smaller or more focused proposal (see next item). Discussion to continue on the mailing list. Handling uncontroversial proposals between meetings =================================================== In response to the "Asynchronous Council" proposal, dilfridge made a smaller proposal. In addition to the already existing rule that urgent decisions can be handled between council meetings via a bug, we will also handle uncontroversial decisions between council meetings via a bug. Anyone can file the bug following discussion on the mailing lists. If the council members do not agree unanimous, discussion and vote during a council meeting needs to take place. - Vote: to accept the aforementioned proposal. Accepted unanimously. Open bugs with council involvement ================================== - Bug 729062 "Services and Software which is critical for Gentoo should be developed/run in the Gentoo namespace" More discussion needed. Whissi to start mailing list thread. Open floor ========== Nothing was raised during open floor. [1] This work is licensed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 License.