Summary of Gentoo council meeting 2021-07-11 Agenda ====== 1. Roll call 2. Constitute the new council - Decide on time of meetings. The previous council had its meetings on the 2nd Sunday of every month at 19:00 UTC - Vote for continuing last council's workflow considering sending a call for agenda items (two weeks in advance), sending the agenda (one week in advance) and have the meeting focussed, i.e. have major discussions on the gentoo-project mailing list prior to the meeting - Appoint chairmen for this term's meetings 3. GLEP 82 update [1] 4. Old EAPIs - Deprecate EAPI 6 [2] - Update policy for banning EAPIs [2] / ban EAPI 5 [3] 5. IRC nicknames [4] 6. Format of metadata/AUTHORS file [5] 7. Open bugs with council participation [6] 8. Open floor Roll call ========= Present: dilfridge, gyakovlev, marecki, soap (proxy for mattst88), mgorny, sam, ulm Constitute the new council ========================== - The council will hold its meetings on the 2nd Sunday of every month at 19:00 UTC. Accepted unanimously. - Continue the last council's workflow considering sending a call for agenda items (two weeks in advance), sending the agenda (one week in advance) and have the meeting focussed, i.e. have major discussions on the gentoo-project mailing list prior to the meeting. Accepted unanimously. - Meeting chairs: Jul/Aug: ulm Sep/Oct: mgorny Nov/Dec: dilfridge Jan/Feb: marecki Mar/Apr: gyakovlev May/Jun: mattst88/sam GLEP 82 update ============== The GLEP was already accepted in the previous meeting, but has been updated to include a new "eapis-testing" key. - Motion: Reapprove GLEP 82. Accepted unanimously. Old EAPIs ========= Deprecate EAPI 6 ---------------- - Motion: Deprecate EAPI 6. Accepted unanimously. Update policy for banning EAPIs / ban EAPI 5 -------------------------------------------- The council discussed changing whether the procedure for deprecating an EAPI should be changed. - Motion: The EAPI deprecation workflow is simplified so that there is no intermediate step between deprecation and complete removal of EAPI. Accepted with 5 yes votes and 2 no votes. [Note: This motion has been retracted, see Open floor below.] IRC nicknames ============= The proposals from the mailing list on re-aligning IRC nicks with Gentoo UIDs were discussed. - Motion: Kindly request developers update their gentooIM entries in LDAP with their regular nicks. Accepted unanimously. - Motion: Ask infra to investigate exposing gentooIM (or a new field, e.g. gentooIMpublic) while exploring privacy on this page: No mandatory action. Rejected with 3 yes votes and 4 no votes. No council member supported any of the motions in rich0's mailing list posting [4], therefore no vote was taken on them. Format of metadata/AUTHORS file =============================== There is consensus that this is not ready for a vote, unless feedback from the currently listed entity has been obtained. - Action: ulm will ask robbat2 to obtain that feedback in detail, and will report back next month. Open bugs with council participation ==================================== - Bug 736760 "Application to Software Freedom Conservancy": Progress on this is tracked on a Foundation wiki page [7]. - Action: sam will ask trustees to close the bug. council should remain in CC list. - Bug 784710 "Remove SHA512 hash from Manifests": Postponed to next month. - Action: mgorny will raise the topic on the mailing list again. - Bug 793164 "GLEP 82: Repository configuration file (layout.conf)": Already covered in separate agenda item above. Open floor ========== - Motion: Retract the previous vote on "The EAPI deprecation workflow is simplified so that there is no intermediate step between deprecation and complete removal of EAPI." Accepted with 6 yes votes, 0 no votes, and 1 abstention. Marecki asks for an official statement about what can be guaranteed for unstable architectures, especially in the context of mass dropping of keywords. The general opinion is that this should be discussed on the mailing list first. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]