Summary of Gentoo council meeting 2022-08-14 Agenda ====== 1. Roll call 2. Change the status of GLEP 13 to moribund (ulm) [1] 3. Approval of GLEP 83 (ulm) [2] 4. Multilib implementation finalization (soap) [3] 5. Approve draft of GLEP 78 (Sheng Yu, mgorny) [4][5] 6. Request a status update along with complete information about the current options from the Foundation regarding umbrella options. Make a decision on which of these options to follow. (mgorny) [6] 7. Open bugs with council involvement [7] 8. Open floor 1. Roll call ============ Present: ajak, gyakovlev, jsmolic (proxy for dilfridge), mattst88, mgorny, sam, ulm 2. Change the status of GLEP 13 to moribund (ulm) [1] ===================================================== That's GuideXML glep, long obsolete, long gone. Motion passed with 7 yes votes. 3. Approval of GLEP 83 (ulm) (EAPI deprecation timeline glep) [2] ================================================================= Voting assumes we mark it active immediately, as there's no implementation to wait for. Motion passed with 7 yes votes. ------------------------------- mattst88 asked a question about how developers will be notified about deprecation dates, ulm to come up with some tooling that will remind us. 4. Multilib implementation finalization (soap) [3] Motion: Declare current multilib solution (multilib-minimal.eclass) final, maintainers are free to close alternative implementation bugs as INVALID, WONTFIX etc. Motion passed with 7 yes votes. ------------------------------- portage team to handle multilib branch removal from portage.git no votes required, notification received by portage team members (sam). 5. Approve draft of GLEP 78 (Sheng Yu, mgorny) [4][5] Motion: Approve draft of GLEP 78 (binpkg format glep) Motion passed with 7 yes votes. ------------------------------- NOTE: portage-3.0.31+ implements this 6. Request a status update along with complete information about the current options from the Foundation regarding umbrella options. Make a decision on which of these options to follow. (mgorny) [6] ==================================================================== Members agreed to re-word motion for clarity. Motion: Council to request a status update from the Foundation regarding umbrella organizations Motion passed with 7 yes votes. ------------------------------- NOTE: antarus is aware of the inquiry. 7. Open bugs with council involvement [7] ========================================= 7.1 "Mirror pkgcore/* repos from github" Done on gitlab.g.o progress evident, un-cc council 7.1 "Gentoo projects file hosting" waiting on infra, continue monitoring. 8. Open floor ============= nothing was brought up. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]