Summary of Gentoo council meeting 2024-04-14 Agenda ====== 1. Roll call 2. Foundation dissolution status update 3. Concerns about (lack of redundancy) in PR project [1] 4. Policy on AI contributions and tooling [2][3][4] 5. Open bugs with Council participation [5] 6. Open floor Roll call ========= Present: arthurzam (proxy for mattst88), ajak, sam, soap, mgorny, ulm Absent: dilfridge Foundation dissolution status update (following vote in bug 925736) =================================================================== SPI extended a formal invitation for Gentoo to join in their meeting [6] and we accepted with a formal vote on Bugzilla [7] between the last Council meeting and this one, after the SPI meeting. The vote was unanimous in favor of accepting the invitation: * Council: 7y/0n/0a [unanimous] * Foundation (trustees): 5y/0n/0a [unanimous] ulm and dilfridge had also prepared and published a news item [8] on the homepage. Concerns about (lack of redundancy) in PR project ================================================= No response to mgorny's calls for volunteers for the PR project and no response from the PR project members, other than dilfridge offering access to the Facebook group if any volunteers were interested. Council discussed shared credentials. mgorny noted that we could have a policy of dedicated accounts having credentials kept in infra-secrets.git, while if personal accounts are used, we would require e.g. at least 2 people in the group/organization. Motion (agreed by consensus/acclamation): an email should be written to gentoo-project requesting better redundancy and mentioning the above suggestions with regard to credentials. Policy on AI contributions and tooling ====================================== Motion from the email thread: > It is expressly forbidden to contribute to Gentoo any content that has > been created with the assistance of Natural Language Processing > artificial intelligence tools. This motion can be revisited, should > a case been made over such a tool that does not pose copyright, ethical > and quality concerns. The vote was 6y/0n/1a (all present members voted yes). sam noted as obiter dicta that the mail also mentioned: > This explicitly covers all GPTs, including ChatGPT and Copilot, which is > the category causing the most concern at the moment. At the same time, > it doesn't block more specific uses of machine learning to problem > solving. Several council members noted that we will revisit the policy if and when circumstances change and that it isn't intended to permanent, at least not in its current form. mgorny agreed to write up the policy at Open bugs with Council participation ==================================== * bug 925014 ("PR services lacking developer redundancy") which was already discussed as a previous agenda item in this meeting. * bug 926867 ("Vote: Gentoo Linux accepts the invitation to become an SPI associated project [...]") which too was already discussed. * bug 925736 ("Vote: Gentoo Linux applies to become an SPI associated project") which too was already discussed. Open floor ========== arthurzam mentioned proactively figuring out the next Council term elections as is customary and we agreed to ping the elections team. arthurzam also asked about pending council logs/summaries needing to be uploaded. References ========== [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]