Summary of Gentoo Council meeting 2024-07-21 Agenda [1] ========== 1. Roll call 2. Constitute the new council - Decide on time of meetings. The previous council had its meetings on the 2nd Sunday of every month at 19:00 UTC - Vote for continuing last council's workflow considering sending a call for agenda items (two weeks in advance), sending the agenda (one week in advance) and have the meeting focussed, i.e. have major discussions on the gentoo-project mailing list prior to the meeting - Appoint chairmen for this term's meetings 3. Change GLEP 84 status to Final [2] 4. Status of architectures [3] 5. Foundation dissolution status update 6. Missing meeting logs and summaries 7. Open bugs with council involvement 8. Open floor Roll call ========= Present: arthurzam, dilfridge, mgorny, robbat2, sam, soap, ulm Absent: - Constitute the new Council ========================== The Council members unanimously agreed on continuing the previous Council's workflow: - Meetings on the 2nd Sunday of every month at 19:00 UTC. - Sending a call for agenda items two weeks in advance. - Sending the agenda one week in advance. - Have major discussions on the gentoo-project ML list prior to the meeting. The meeting chairs were assigned and posted on the Wiki: - arthurzam: July (current meeting), April - soap: August, September - dilfridge: October, November - sam: December, January - ulm: February, March - mgorny: May, June Change GLEP 84 status to Final [2] ================================== The members of the Council unanimously concurred on the ratification of GLEP 84 as Final. This decision includes the initiation of a bug report for pkgcheck to ensure compliance with GLEP 84, alongside another bug report aimed at transitioning all current package.mask entries within the ::gentoo repository to adhere to the GLEP 84 format. Status of Architectures [3] =========================== This consisted of multiple motions around arch profiles and further actions. alpha: make profile stable -------------------------- The Council members unanimously agreed on making alpha's profiles stable (with clarification on stable profile and not stable keywords) as soon as dependency tree is fixed. arthurzam will contact matoro to handle last bits. ia64: deprecate arch -------------------- The Council members agreed (6 yes, 1 abstain) on deprecated ia64 arch, for a 1 month period after post of news-item. arthurzam will collaborate with dilfridge and sam to handle it. sparc: deprecate 32 bit profiles -------------------------------- The Council members unanimously agreed on deprecating sparc's 32 bit profiles, for 6 month period after post of news-item. arthurzam will collaborate with dilfridge and sam to handle it. s390: deprecate 31 bit profiles -------------------------------- The Council members unanimously agreed on deprecating s390's 31 bit profiles, for 6 month period after post of news-item. arthurzam will collaborate with dilfridge and sam to handle it. Foundation dissolution status update ==================================== ulm and robbat2 create a new tracker bug [4] for the various tasks, and good progress is seen. Missing meeting logs and summaries ================================== The Council's Wiki page currently lacks several summaries and raw logs from past council sessions. The responsible members have acknowledged this oversight and have committed to addressing the issue promptly. Open bugs with council involvement ================================== Bug 925014 - PR services lacking developer redundancy ----------------------------------------------------- The council members agreed to defer this topic to next meeting. Bug 801499 - Approach Nitrokey for Nitrokey 3 upgrade ----------------------------------------------------- The CEO of Nitrokey has not yet responded to our prior inquiry, and communication with Yubikey remains pending. The council members concurred that additional deliberation is necessary to determine subsequent steps. These discussions are scheduled to take place beyond the scope of the current meeting. Open floor ========== During the open floor, robbat2 inquired about further actions desired for the arch status in the next council meeting. arthurzam shared some ideas, emphasizing the need for ML discussion beforehand. Furthermore, robbat2 asked if the Council members wish to define Liaison roles. Given the complexity of this topic, council members requested that robbat2 initiate this discussion on the ML. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] [2] [3] [4]