[00:00:00] - {Tageswechsel: Sonntag, 10. November 2024} [20:00:31] oi; meeting time [20:00:36] yup [20:00:41] meeting time [20:00:44] !proj council [20:00:45] (council@gentoo.org) arthurzam, dilfridge, mgorny, robbat2, sam, soap, ulm [20:00:46] roll call! [20:00:47] roll call [20:00:51] present [20:00:53] -*- sam_ her [20:00:55] e [20:00:55] present [20:01:02] -*- mgorny here [20:01:08] -*- soap_ here [20:01:16] +1 [20:01:54] arthurzam: ping [20:02:24] let's wait until 20:05 and then proceed [20:02:45] (CET :) [20:03:48] does anyone have a number to text arthurzam? [20:04:11] -*- ulm just wanted to ask this [20:05:08] anyway let's continue (maybe we can swap numbers in private later, for future meetings) [20:05:13] so [20:05:24] the agenda is somewhat boring, no topics have been submitted [20:05:53] which means the first item is already, open bugs with council participation [20:06:17] I see four bugs [20:06:22] bug 924014 [20:06:22] dilfridge: https://bugs.gentoo.org/924014 "sys-auth/pam_ssh: stabilize on arm64"; Gentoo Linux, Stabilization; RESO, FIXE; pkubaj:maintainer-needed [20:06:28] err [20:06:31] no, typo [20:06:35] bug 925014 [20:06:36] dilfridge: https://bugs.gentoo.org/925014 "PR services lacking developer redundancy"; Community Relations, User Relations; CONF; ajak:pr [20:07:02] This is probably at the moment not an issue anymore. [20:07:22] Does anyone want to take care of X, or should we shut it down? [20:07:49] I have the password, but honestly dont feel much inclined to work with it anymore. [20:08:14] keep it for critical announcements only? [20:08:18] OK [20:08:27] ensure foundation trustees have it in the shared passwords? [20:08:48] do we have shared passwords? :O [20:09:06] yes, infra uses pass, foundation have it in the repo in gpg files [20:09:23] -*- dilfridge is somewhat concerned about the onboarding now [20:09:50] this reminds be that I wanted to file a bug about our web page footer, which curretly has twitter and facebook, both with their old logo, and no mastodon [20:09:51] but anyway we can handle that outside the meeting [20:09:59] *currently [20:10:01] yes [20:10:07] and if we change it we should add LinkedIn [20:10:37] but no need to discuss it now, of course [20:10:43] ok [20:10:54] bug 801499 [20:10:55] dilfridge: https://bugs.gentoo.org/801499 "Approach Nitrokey for Nitrokey 3 upgrade"; Gentoo Foundation, Proposals; CONF; sam:trustees [20:11:02] close it? [20:11:39] apparently there are no objections to that, so I'm gonna just do it [20:11:43] yep [20:11:55] and open a new bug for yubikey if necessary [20:12:04] arthurzam was supposed to be asking yubikey; but we have not seen an update on that [20:12:16] bug 936914 [20:12:16] dilfridge: https://bugs.gentoo.org/936914 "arm64: Short-term replacement for jiji.arm.dev.gentoo.org"; Gentoo Foundation, Proposals; CONF; robbat2:trustees [20:12:27] we can probably close that too [20:13:05] the short-term replacement was susuwatari.arm... but since we have dola.arm.... now robbat2 already handed it back I think [20:13:17] yes [20:14:18] closed [20:14:29] bug 936211 [20:14:30] dilfridge: https://bugs.gentoo.org/936211 "[Tracker] Gentoo Foundation dissolution"; Gentoo Foundation, Proposals; CONF; ulm:trustees [20:14:44] robbat2: any news about the paypal stuff? [20:15:09] <-- npc (~yTQsBfexO@user/spareproject) hat das Netzwerk verlassen (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [20:15:24] --> op (~nqnqAkscl@user/spareproject) hat #gentoo-council betreten [20:15:36] SPI said they would do it, but no progress :-9 [20:15:44] *supposed to be :-( [20:16:16] ok, let's poke them more with blunt instruments [20:16:43] that's it from the bugs side [20:16:52] so, next agenda item [20:16:54] OPEN FLOOR [20:16:56] anyone [20:18:00] waiting another minute [20:18:08] *crickets chirp* [20:18:54] nothing [20:19:05] so that means, we're all done, meeting closed [20:19:07] [20:19:17] thank you! [20:19:18] thanks everyone [20:19:18] thanks! [20:19:23] thx [20:19:28] sub-20min is a good time [20:19:34] thanks for chairing [20:20:54] * ulm has changed topic for #gentoo-council to: "256th meeting: 2024-12-08 19:00 UTC | https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20241208T19 | https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Council | https://dev.gentoo.org/~dilfridge/decisions.pdf" [20:21:28] jubilee next month, 256th meeting :) [20:22:14] * ulm has changed topic for #gentoo-council to: "0b100000000th meeting: 2024-12-08 19:00 UTC | https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20241208T19 | https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Council | https://dev.gentoo.org/~dilfridge/decisions.pdf"