Sample email text; Dear Member, You are receiving this email as you are a member of the Gentoo Foundation Inc. The Foundation is legally obliged to notify its members of some events. This email contains notifications of 1. The Annual General Meeting 2. The 2016 Trustee Elections The Annual General Meeting of the Gentoo Foundation Inc. will be held on 21st August 2016 in #gentoo-trustees on at 1900 UTC. Your membership of the Foundation will continue until you fail to cast a ballot in two successive Trustee elections or you resign from the Foundation by sending a gpg signed email to trustees@g.o The 2016 Trustee Election will be held over June, July and the early part of August. Nominations will be open for a period of three weeks starting on June 20th. Voting will take place approximately four weeks later starting in mid July. Exact dates will be notified by the Elections project. Nominations must be made by posting to gentoo-nfp@l.g.o Only Foundation members may be nominated. Only Foundation members may vote. The list of members is If you are not listed, please contact the trustees. The new trustees will take their seats at the AGM on Aug 21. Trustees serve a two year term and retire by rotation every year. This year, David Abbott (dabbott) and Roy Bamford (NeddySeagoon) retire by rotation. There are thus two seats on the board of trustees to be contested.