Summary of 13 October 2007 KDE herd meeting Active participants: cryos, genstef, jmbsvicetto*, keytoaster, philantrop, tgurr In the channel: masterdriverz Missing: caleb, centic, carlo, deathwing00, mattepiu, troll, vanquirius * = invited guests - Project page: The update of the project page was approved by the participants. - Process improvement: This topic was postponed until the next meeting. - Misc: 1. Bump to KDE 3.5.8: The bump to KDE 3.5.8 is taking place in a git repository to allow for others to take part, too, and avoid critisism like for the last bump. This allows interested users to be "trained on the job" including the use of our QA tools in a controlled environment outside the official tree. Furthermore, the KDE 3.5.8 is not meant to be public until the release as per upstream request. Nevertheless, we will put the finished packages into the tree as package.masked ASAP to allow arch teams and other devs to test. After that's done, a mail will be sent to kde@g.o and the core mailinglist by Philantrop. 2. KDE 3.5.8 in stable for 2007.1: We will *try* to get KDE 3.5.8 into stable in time for 2007.1 but if we don't, the world won't stop spinning. We will *not* inform the release guys about us making it in time to not endanger their time frame needlessly if we don't make it. 3. Changing to split ebuilds by default: This suggestion was rejected by the participants for 3.5.x. We will make it the default for KDE 4, though. 4. State of KDE4 in the overlay(s): KDE4 in the overlay is doing well. People are installing it, using it and are reporting bugs. We currently have both monolithic and split ebuilds. The participants decided 3:1 for keeping the monolithic ebuilds for KDE4. 5. Miscellaneous - A particpant asked for information on cmake ("crash course"). Any input is appreciated. - cmake-utils.eclass. Several participants asked to get it into the tree. The final remaining "showstopper" is the src_test function which is mostly a verbatim copy of the one in We currently need it to determine if it's an in-source or out-of-source build. Any input on this is appreciated. Philantrop is going to re-submit the eclass to the dev mailinglist next week. - Arch Testers / Herd Testers. It was suggested to have Herd Testers for the KDE herd as per GLEP 41. The suggestion was accepted by unanimous vote. Philantrop will talk to hparker, the AT lead about it. genstef and jmbsvicetto will prepare a draft for the project page and mail to kde@g.o. - A participant suggested to move the scheduled meeting to the first Saturday of each month. This was approved by unanimous vote. keytoaster will update the project page accordingly. - Several participants asked about the Herd lead status as this is currently not reflected on the project page. The participants asked keytoaster to add the following to the project page directly above the "Members" box: "We do not have a formal lead: Decisions can be made by every herd member but it usually is a good idea to ask Philantrop because he is around and knowledgable." Tasks: - Put the finished KDE 3.5.8 packages into the tree in p.mask by October, 14th 2007 and inform kde@g.o and the core mailinglist about it. (Philantrop) - cmake-utils.eclass should be re-submitted to the dev mailinglist by next week. (Philantrop) - Contact the AT project on how to implement HTs for the KDE herd. (Philantrop) - Prepare a draft for the project page about HTs. (genstef, jmbsvicetto) - Update the project page with information about project lead and monthly meetings. (keytoaster)